The CIA, U.S. Empire, and Tibet

Tibet flag at US capitol

I am currently doing a Part Two of my Arrested Histories/Chushi Gangdrug project, this time focusing more solidly on the CIA as a key part of the spread of U.S. empire during the Cold War. This project has several components: ethnographic research with retired CIA officers, archival research about the American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees, a CIA-led organization posing as a private NGO in India in the 1960s, translation of illustrated history pamphlets, and a continuation of still-unfolding Chushi Gangdrug history.

Status: research is almost concluded; some of this research has already been presented at talks and conferences around the world. Two articles are in progress, one as part of a volume I am co-editing with John Collins (CUNY Grad Center, Queens College) on Ethnographies of U.S. Empire, generated out of a Wenner-Gren conference. A book is planned.